Monday, May 18, 2009

My World... of Warcraft

I was first introduced to the land of Azeroth by my suitemates back when Burning Crusade was released. My chosen avatar to explore this whole new world was a Blood Elf Mage by the name of Tevesh. I had reached the max level and even did a little of raiding in Kara. But after farming for no apparent reason, I burned myself out and quit after two months.

Recently, I have returned to the WoW scene in full force, giving up countless hours of sleep in between working and spending time with the girlfriend. I raid with some good friends of mine from college in a guild aptly named "Addiction". We have a rather colorful roster of members to keep Ventrilo entertaining night after night. It also helps that they're mature enough to follow instructions (most of the time) so we can progress through content.

We've cleared a major milestone in 3.1 in defeating Yogg Saron. Soon enough, we'll be tackling hard modes and eventually Algalon, Drinker of Tears.

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